A question of education for citizenship and moving on to action!
- There is an urgent need to change the relationship between public policies and sustainable development, making it an orientation axis and not just a mere accessory, a fashion, a tendency to captivate part of the electorate for the next elections.
- The measures adopted must be subject to regulatory measures to ensure their operational efficiency.
- The environment is based on convictions of safeguarding public welfare, concerns about the state of the planet that we will leave as an inheritance for our children and grandchildren.
Enough talk – no more speeches! We must move on to acts!
Sustainable development is part of a transversal approach that involves citizens from all levels of society
- for a “greening” of public policies
- for a “greening” of citizens’ attitudes (of all citizens).
It is necessary to promote governance of citizen participation in environmental issues
- to face climate change
- to preserve endangered biodiversity
- to assess the health and environmental risks of industrial and collective waste and promote responsible management.
About pesticides
Can we, in an economically “stricken” region, agree to pollute massively without a serious impact study, to create some jobs?
Beware of ineffective and ineffective bureaucracy
We often create an office for all current affairs, but we generally do not know how the allocated budget is used. There is no report presented or published and the study is finally used for NOTHING:
It is necessary to develop a professional requirement, each in the role that is required.
It is this requirement that allows us to be audible (and credible).
To resolve the ecological transition, companies, communities, collectivities, individuals must make the budgetary transition
- to develop AB, make a budgetary transition: teaching alternatives to pesticides
- to address the gap in the public health budget, make a budgetary transition: food education, teaching personal citizenship
- to resolve public administrative inefficiency, make a budgetary transition: educating everyone’s civic responsibility for collective well-being.
Jean Claude RODET
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